1·It's also choosing experience over security and making the same decisions on a life-size scale.
2·Developing the right technology, and magnifying it to an India-size scale, will represent additional risks.
3·Proper planning is critical on this size scale if you do not plan properly this can delay schedule and cost the client money.
4·So, it's Newtonian mechanics, and the reason for this is because Newtonian mechanics does not work on this very, very small size scale.
5·Continuing up the size scale, the mainframe computer is one that may offer a faster processing speed and a greater storage capacity than a typical mini.
6·Continuing up the size scale, mainframe computer computers are systems that may offer faster processing speeds and greater storage capacity than a typical mini.
7·Forming method of fine grain, processing parameters of casting fine grain blade, and grain size scale of K418 alloy were investigated. The principle of forming fine grain was discussed.
8·Those costs would vary depending on the size and scale of the businesses.
9·However, due to the size and scale of high volume production environments, this is rarely practical.
10·He found that these neural avalanches are scale invariant and that their size obeys a power law.